Extra Curricular

1. Sports

  • House System
    All the students are divided into four houses (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow).
    Red House stands for truth
    Green House stands for confidence
    Yellow House stands for knowledge
    Blue House stands for love
  • Head Boy and Head Girl
    Administrator, Principal, Physical Education teacher and the class teacher selects the Head Boy and the Head Girl from Std X for a particular academic year.
    Criteria for the selection: Academic performance, participation in sports, co-curricular activities, responsible behaviour and the regularity.
  • Captain and Vice-Captain:House teachers nominate three students from each house for the post of Captain and Vice-Captain. The students from respective houses elect from among the nominated students, the Capital and Vice-Captain in a democratic way.
  • Class Prefect: Class teacher along with the other teachers nominate three students from the class. Thereafter the students of the class, elect the Prefect and the Vice-Prefect in a democratic way.

 2. Art

Creative minds are nurtured through various art techniques.

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June 2022
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June 2022
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3. SUPW (Socially Useful Productive Work)

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Cloth bags donation 8th August 2022

Efforts of GVM’S UVM students to reduce use of plastic bags. The Students started an initiative of donating cloth bags made by them to the vendors of Ponda and requested them to give it to those customers who come without their own bags. Seeing the good response they had received, they have decided to make more bags and donate them on a regular basis.

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